I wanted to keep this as simple and in plain English as possible. Let’s set the terms we are going to use. Member is anyone who creates an account, aka you if you make an account. The site is the Pursuing Sugar website, we do not have any affiliate programs or sister sites.
Basic rules
  1. The member won’t try to hack and get free credits from any part of the site.
  2. The member won’t be a pain in the ass.
  3. The member won’t promote illegal activities, hate speech, or be threating to other members or the admin. This does apply to private messages, the conversation can be reported to the admin.
  4. If you decide to talk about illegal things in your private messaging and get arrested for it, that is your problem not the site’s. By using this site, you agree that you are completely responsible for your own words and actions and the site cannot be held responsible for the outcome of those actions.
  5. This adds to #4, if you agree to meet someone from the site and are murdered, raped, robbed or anything bad happens to you – that is your choice to meet in the first place. You accept all risks involved in meeting a stranger from the internet. Please use common sense and meet in a public place first.
  6. The site does not do background checks on its members. I don’t know them anymore than you do.
  7. The site won’t sell your information or photos. Those are considered user content and are yours. The website does not own any rights to the photos or your content and they will not be shared with any other site. You can delete your account at anytime and the content will be removed from the servers after 30 days.
  8. The site does not come with any promise that you will in fact meet anyone that is up to the other person.
  9. The site does not monitor private messages. Those are private messages between two people, I don’t care what you talk about. There is the report feature if a you believe they violate any of terms of the site and you feel the need to report them, there is also a block feature. Block them and move on.
  10. Legality of #9, if you talk about things that are illegal and the other person is a legal representative (aka, the police) and they set you up to get busted – it’s not the site’s fault and you accept the responsibility for your actions. This is a dating site.
  11. Please do not put anything drug related on your public profile, this is against the CC processors terms. I know 420 is legal in some places but I have to abide with their terms.
What is hate speech or can be considered threading to a member
  1. The United Nations has the following as a guideline, “any kind of communication in speech, writing or behaviour, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent, gender or other identity factor.”
  2. There is a basic difference between calling someone a derogatory name and saying your going to harm them. If in doubt, just block and move on because 99% of the time a response won't gain you anything and replying just lets them win as they got a rise out of you.
Things that can get a member banned.
  1. Doing something that is illegal.
  2. Hate speech – cursing out another member or threatening them with harm could get you banned.
  3. Posting photos that are not you, as an example, if you post a porn star as your profile photo and it is reported, the photo is removed and if you keep doing it then yes you get the boot.
  4. The site reserves the right to determine what an offence is on a per member basis, per event basis and inflict punishment.
  5. However, if you do get banned - I promise to provide a real reason why.
  6. I will attempt to give everyone a second chance, but some infractions are just to great, sorry.
  7. Promoting another website, this is for the video streamers mainly. This is a dating site not a advertisement site for you to get followers.
  8. Posting contact information in your public profile or on images. This is 100% a scammer tactic and you will be banned for that. If you want to send a message and provide that information in a conversation then do that instead, be aware that you can still be reported and the messages reviewed for context.
Prohibited Content
  1. Alcohol Related Non-Consensual Sexual Acts / Drug References
  2. Autopsy photos
  3. Bestiality
  4. Bodily Excretions
  5. Cannibalism
  6. Child Porn
  7. Chloroform
  8. Credit Card Collecting
  9. Crushing of live bugs/animals
  10. Depiction of exchange of money for sex
  11. Gore (blood that has been shed, especially as a result of violence)
  12. Extreme Violence / Flogging (severe beating)
  13. Forced (Terminology)
  14. Hypnosis (model under hypnosis during sexual activity)
  15. Incest
  16. Kidnapping/Abduction
  17. Polygamy Dating or Content
  18. Prostitution
  19. Racist
  20. Rape
  21. Sacrilegious
  22. Self-mutilation
  23. Sleeping (involving sexual activity)
  24. 'Snuff’ or 'Fantasy Snuff'
  25. Suffocation
  26. Underage (Provocative and/or Non-Provocative)
  27. Urination (Person to person water sports or vomiting)
Posting Content to the site

By posting photos on your profile you agree to the following rules.

  1. You agree to not post anything that includes any activity that is illegal or otherwise violates the items listed under the Prohibited Content section.
  2. You the "content provider" should only post images that are of yourself. Please refrain from posting group shots with other people unless you blur them first.
  3. By posting you agree that the photo is available for public distribution as the website cannot prevent others from downloading or stealing the photos.
  4. By posting photos you agree not to post any image from a person who is under the age of 18, you should be doing this anyways since the image should be of yourself and to be on the site you must be 18+.
Cookies: The site requires cookies for the login to function. I've also set up Google Analytics to get some statistical information. There are no ads on the main site, might be some one the blog at some point, so the only use of cookies is Login and Analytics.
Abuse reports are handled on a case-by-case basis. Minor infractions will receive a warning. Major infractions will result in a ban. If you receive multiple warnings it may result in a ban.
As with any set of rules this can change without warning and be expanded at any time. Although, I would likely inform members of any changes.
This is effective as of 3/21/2024.
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